Please Note: The following information provided is as it pertains to this particular portrayal of the character. As such not all the details provided will necessarily follow established canon. For a comprehensive overview of the character from the source material, please view their wiki page.

Savior of Spira
Daughter of High Summoner Braska.
Spira's Hope.
Honest and determined.
FFX | X-2 | Will

Name: Yuna
Age: 20
Race: Human (Half-Al Bhed)
Sex: Female
Height: 5'3 (160 cm)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Heterochromia - Blue (left), Green (right)
Laterality: Ambidextrous
Personal Status
Occupation/Title(s): High Summoner, Priestess
Former Affiliations: Yevon, Gullwings
Current Affiliation: Yevoners
Birthplace: Bevelle
Current Home: Besaid
Yuna is a kind, loyal, honest, polite and passionate humanitarian who strives to see the best in others and has a strong conviction to complete whatever task she feels is her duty. Despite her demure demeanor, her time in the Gullwings as a Sphere Hunter has helped her develop her more playful, outspoken, and athletic side.
She finds it difficult to ignore the plight of others and will more often than not lend a hand to those in need; a trait that causes many to jokingly call her doormat at times. Yuna also has a habit of carrying her burdens alone out of consideration for others, not wanting to stress or worry them with her problems.
She struggles to find a balance between being too empathetic and considerate of others needs and prioritizing her own needs more.
Weapon: Magistral Rod
Garment Grid: Font of Power
Gunner | Songstress | Mascot | Floral Fallal
With the defeat of Yu Yevon came both the end of Sin and the Fayth that once inhabited the temples. However, due to a curious case of the Farplane growing unstable, Yuna retains the ability to summon her Aeons to an extent.
While Valefor is the only Aeon she can summon completely due to their unique connection, she can also manifest and utilize certain abilities from the other Aeons.
Valefor's Abilities
Sonic Wings
Energy Ray
Energy Blast
Energy Nova
Other Aeon Abilities
Ifrit: Meteor Strike
Ixion: Aerospark
Shiva: Heavenly Strike
Bahamut: Impulse
Yojimbo: Wakizashi
Mindy: Passado
Offensive Magic
Support Magic
Curaga | Heals most injuries.
Tetraguard | Temporarily nullifies Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Water-elemental attacks.
Protect | Invokes a shield to reduce physical damage taken.
Shell | Invokes a shield that reduces magical damage taken.
Reflect | Invokes a barrier that bounces any magic cast on it back to the caster.
Esuna | Removes most afflictions.
Dispel | Removes most positive effects.
Final Fantasy (All)
Multivese (Semi-Selective)
Roleplay Style
Typically anything ranging from Para to Novella, depending on the interaction.
Casual and Banter is fine, but not a focus.
Storylines are a godsend whenever possible; be they extensive or short.
Solo roleplays.
Combat driven roleplays are always welcomed.
General guidlines
Don't be afraid to approach me either IC or OOC. I'm friendly to all those who come my way.
My effort will reflect your own; meaning that if give half-hearted replies, so will I, and vice versa.
Most importantly, have fun.~